Well Drilling
Proudly drilling in Brevard and Indian River Counties since 1997.
At Aqua Source Well Drilling, we solely drill PVC wells. PVC is the longest lasting material for casing, as it is not biodegradable; it does not break down, rust, rot, or corrode. This is why we can, and do, offer a 10-year warranty on our PVC well casing.
Once you call or email our office, you will receive a quote - usually right over the phone. We will then assist you in finding the best location for the well on your property, conduct a site visit, if necessary, and file the well drilling permit for you. Once the permit is issued, we will contact you to coordinate a drilling date. Our office staff is available for any questions you may have or any guidance you may need in the process.

More information

Skydive Sebastian - Deep Water Well Drilling


Skydive Sebastian uses this pond for sky divers to safely land. The previous well struggled to keep the pond at a safe water level. After Aqua Source installed a new well, the pond was quickly restored to it's beautiful, full and safe condition.